Mexico City
The largest city in North America, Mexico's capital is a bustling business and cultural hub. Learn more about some of its best attractions, cultural landmarks, great shopping and more.
Valuable insights into the city’s neighborhoods, culture, cuisine, and more.
Featured stories
Explore museums, parks and more of our favorite things to do in Mexico City.
Here’s a look at the safest neighborhoods to live in Mexico City in 2023.
Wherever your whims take you next, we have some advice on applying for visas and work permits
Every time you travel, you expand your horizons. This can look like trying a totally unfamiliar food or exploring a chapter of the past. That’s why…
Find your new home in Mexico City.
Looking for a new place to settle in Mexico City? Look no further! Blueground offers turnkey apartments for both extended and short stays.
- Turnkey apartments
- Fully serviced accommodation
- Truly flexible lease terms
- Easy relocation process

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