7 surprising benefits of corporate leasing apartments

How business travelers grow personally and professionally in unexpected ways.

Kevin Crain

By Kevin Crain

Business man sitting and smiling at a desk

Corporate leasing apartments have lots of obvious benefits. These are clear to see. For instance, the top three benefits for most business travelers are convenience, flexibility, and comfort. 

That’s because furnished homes let guests pretty much live how they’re used to living. So corporate travelers can move in and out easily, unwind in a spacious setting, cook meals in a full kitchen, and even bring their pets with them.  

However, many of the benefits of furnished corporate apartments are less apparent. Whether you’re considering a long-term relocation for work or interested in making the most of your stay, here are seven surprising benefits you’ll enjoy.   

Building confidence

man dressed professionally looking at his phone while carrying a carry-on suitcase at the airport

With corporate leasing apartments located around the world, odds are you’ll move somewhere you’ve never been before. That could mean a new city, country, or continent. But stepping outside your comfort zone can lead to growth. In other words, you’ll feel more comfortable in your own skin.

For those who live and work in the same area for years or decades, things become routine. The commute to work is automatic and everyday tasks aren’t challenging. However, adapting to a new environment stretches your reliance on yourself, so you gain confidence. There are dozens of different choices to make, each one giving you more belief in yourself.

For example, navigating a new metro system, figuring out small cultural differences, and building relationships with new coworkers may all boost your confidence. In this way, a change of scenery encourages you to flourish. 

Improving time management skills

Man looking at watch during lunch

Maybe your time management is already excellent. If not though, having one of Blueground’s corporate leasing apartments as your home base forces you to stay on track. There are planes to catch, metro schedules to keep when you commute, and business meetings that require you to be on time. 

That’s why experienced travelers naturally become great planners. Their time must be well spent.  Otherwise, they’ll miss flights, arrive late to work, or not give themselves enough time to properly do their job. 

No matter how close to your office you’re located, your day-to-day activities will require forethought. Is there traffic at that time? Do the elevators get crowded? Is that lunch spot fast at preparing meals? So many factors and decisions combine to ensure your time is used wisely.  

Growing personally

Taking on a new project in a different city can broaden your horizons, too. That’s especially true for those staying in corporate leasing apartments in a totally new country. Exposure to different cultures, languages, and lifestyles gives you a fresh outlook on life. An added bonus? This kind of experience makes you a more interesting person. The kind that people want to chat with for hours at dinner parties. 

As you work and travel somewhere unknown to you before, you develop a deeper understanding of diverse cultures. You also become more appreciative of variety. The only downside is that the “familiar” may suddenly become boring, so you’ll crave new opportunities more often. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with that!  

Increased resilience

group of 6 team members inside a conference room discussing a project

Similar to growing personally, relocating for work means you’ll develop in other ways. For example, if you don’t have the social support you normally do, you’ll need to put yourself out there and meet new people. 

This can help you adapt more easily. Living in a new city may be challenging, but overcoming obstacles you’re not accustomed to will build mental toughness. Corporate travelers usually become more self-assured since they have to rely more on themselves to problem-solve. The result is enjoying a strength you may not have known you had.  

Becoming more creative

coworking space chicago second shift entrepreneurs at standing desk

Whether you’re staying for a month, a year, or longer in any of our corporate leasing apartments, an unexpected benefit is that you’ll increase your creativity. After all, experiencing new places, meeting new people, and encountering different ways of thinking can spark innovation. Thinking outside the box becomes more natural! 

Business trips often give employees fresh perspectives, leading to ingenious solutions. This inspiration can lead to better brainstorming sessions at work or different approaches to your workspace. When you aren’t doing the same-old same-old, you open yourself up to unconventional ideas.  

Getting to know the city

Street with shops and cars in Madrid

Want firsthand knowledge of a market? There’s no better way than actually living there. You talk to locals and better appreciate their needs and wants. Even if you only stay for a month, you’ll have a better sense of the local customs, preferences, and trends. 

This knowledge can be huge! It’s especially valuable for companies looking to expand into new territories or tailor their products and services to specific tastes. Why guess about a city when you can know for certain thanks to personal experiences?

Feeling satisfied

Business woman smiling while working

This doesn’t get talked about enough. Taking advantage of a chance to travel and grow personally and professionally makes employees feel valued. It also increases loyalty to your team. By staying in corporate leasing apartments, you realize your value to the company. 

Better still, when you live long-term in an apartment hosted by Blueground, you get extra guest support. That includes home cleanings, fresh towels, and so much more! So your organization has shown an appreciation for you in several distinct ways. 

Book your next apartment to enjoy all these benefits

Fully equipped kitchen in furnished Singapore apartment

Corporate housing certainly has perks. Some are obvious, while others are not. However, the benefits of staying in a furnished apartment in one of the world’s major cities are sure to be a life-changing experience. So, whether you’re a business traveler or a mobility manager, be sure to look into Live@Blueground as your solution for a long-term furnished rental.

Kevin Crain

Kevin Crain

Kevin Crain is a writer from Dallas, Texas. He’s dedicated to helping every Blueground guest live like a local and make their apartment feel like home. His favorite topics include active experiences, bucket list essentials, and hidden gems in cities around the world.