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Rent Furnished Apartments in Pleasanton, San Francisco Bay Area
Whatever brings you to Pleasanton, our furnished rentals are ideal for short-term or long-term stays starting from a month, a year or even more. Many of our apartments are also pet-friendly.
New listing • Sample photos of décor & layout
eaves Pleasanton - CA019-630, 3650 Andrews Drive, Pleasanton, East Bay ID: 4776A
eaves Pleasanton - CA019-430, 3650 Andrews Drive, Pleasanton, East Bay ID: 4778A
eaves Pleasanton - CA019-610, 3650 Andrews Drive, Pleasanton, East Bay ID: 5790A
New listing • Sample photos of décor & layout
eaves Pleasanton - CA019-630, 3650 Andrews Drive, Pleasanton, East Bay ID: 5832A
eaves Pleasanton - CA019-450, 3650 Andrews Drive, Pleasanton, East Bay ID: 6232A